We offer loans.

Our Bank Statement Loan Programs are a perfect fit for self-employed borrowers who prefer to use business or personal bank statements to document their income instead of tax returns.

Entrepreneurs, freelancers, small business owners, and self-employed borrowers — don’t let your taxable income stop you from getting a low-rate mortgage. We have a flexible loan option specifically made for you.

No Tax Returns Needed Program ( Bank Statement / Gigs (1099)/ Asset Qualifiers)

  • Minimum loan amount will be $150,000 and $4M as maximum (Cash-out refinance $2.5M).
  • Primary or Secondary homes are allowed.
  • Can close in individual or LLC.
  • No prepaid penalty.
  • Needs to be self-employed for 2 or more years .

Types of Income documents allowed:

  • 3, 12, 24-month bank statement – Personal or business bank statement
  • 2 yrs of 1099’s
  • CPA Letter with Profit and Loss Statement


  • Minimum 600 Credit Scores
  • Up to 90% Loan to Values (need minimum 660) & Up to 80% Loan to value cash-out (minimum 720 FICO)
  • First Time Home Buyers ok
    • Need to show Verification of Rent. If landlord is an individual, need cancelled checks for rent history
    • If living rent free, 75% Loan to value max, and 10% of own funds from borrower.
  • Need credit score and SSN – Permanent Resident Alien allowed
  • Reserves Requirements; 3- 12 Months of the proposed mortgage payments. Plus reserves for current properties
  • Debt to income ratios up to 55% allowed
  • Property Type allowed
    • 1-4 Units
    • Warrantable/Non-warrantable condos
    • PUDs = Planned Unit Development